Download Tomake by Humayun Ahmed
On the contrary, If you have not read any novel of Humayun Ahmed yet, and now you've decided to read a novel written by this great writer, you can start your reading of Humayun Ahmed books, by this novel. Because, it is really a good Bangla novel in which you will find out a story which is not only a story of a girl but also three girls.
Their childish life, their teenage life, the fluctuation in their life and their family all have come to this novel and after reading, you may feel the reality of life. How mysterious the life is!!!
So, download the novel named Tomake by Humayun Ahmed, and observe the mystery of life.
Book Name: Tomake
Writer: Humayun Ahmed
Book Type: Bangla Novel
To get the Bangla novel titled Tomake written by Humayun Ahmed,
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